
Rejection after Appstore submission

mohadel92 opened this issue · 9 comments

After using of instabug package in my app
apple has refused my app twice

Guideline 4.0 - Design

We noticed that your app offers a custom screenshot-initiated interface when the user takes a screenshot in the app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please ensure your app only displays the iOS system-provided screenshot interface. 

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines include more details about [screenshot best practices](

Please see attached screenshot for details.

SDK Version


Flutter, iOS and Android Versions

iOS 15 flutter 2.5.1

@AliAbdelfattah its this issue closed?

Hi @mohadel92,

The rejection happened because screenshot invocation wasn't meant to be used on production builds I.e. (App Store). Therefore, please note that enabling this invocation event may get your app to be rejected from the store. For more information check out this warning on our docs.

Then how to prevent this behavior

Hello @mohadel92,
You need to remove the screenshot from Instabug's invocation events when releasing

A sample of what you need to do, would be something like this
if (kReleaseMode) { Instabug.start('TOKEN', [InvocationEvent.shake]); } else { Instabug.start('TOKEN', [InvocationEvent.screenshot, InvocationEvent.shake]); }

Please feel free to reopen the ticket if the issue persists.

I have removed the usage of instabug
I am not satisfied with the team response
@AliAbdelfattah closed my ticket since day 1
We have removed Instabug from all of our current project
And we will seek another solution to handle those tasks

We are very sorry to hear that, but we are still very excited to help you with any integration issues, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

His attitude is not accepted , we have discarded the usage of instabug due to lack of support
Thanks we don't feel interested with such poorly supported plug-in