
App crashes with `AVAssetDownloadTask does not support response property` exception

Hans92 opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Use AVAssetDownloadTask to download some media asset and try to cancel it

Expected Behavior

App shouldn't crash

Actual Behavior

App is crashing when calling cancel() on a AVAssetDownloadTask and throwing an exception AVAssetDownloadTask does not support response property

__74-[IBGSwizzler newImplementatioDataTaskWasCancelled:selector:swizzlerInfo:]_block_invoke_2

Instabug integration code

Instabug.start(withToken: <TOKEN>, invocationEvents: [.screenshot])
Instabug.tintColor = UIColor(Theme.Color.black02)
Instabug.welcomeMessageMode = .disabled
Instabug.setReproStepsFor(.all, with: .enable)
Instabug.enabled = isEnabled
BugReporting.promptOptionsEnabledReportTypes = [.bug, .feedback]
BugReporting.bugReportingOptions = [.emailFieldHidden]
BugReporting.shouldCaptureViewHierarchy = true
BugReporting.enabled = isEnabled
Replies.enabled = false

SDK Version


iOS Version


Device Model

iPhone 15 Pro Max

It looks like IBGSwizzler doesn't support AVAssetDownloadTask. I tried to disable NetworkLogger but it didn't help. When I remove Instabug integration code the app works properly.

Also we are facing same issue. App crashing after calling cancel(). but after removing Instabug its working fine.

HI @Hans92 @HGaurav328
This should be fixed in 13.3.0