
peer-vnc runs, but unable to connect to the resulting URL

dhsc19 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am able to run peer-vnc and I am getting something like this: connect ready
VNC Proxy URL(please open it on browser)

When I go to the https link, I'm getting "web page not found" (a browser message). It doesn't look like the Internet host is up.

@dhsc19 just update linux32/64 package, please try again.

Sorry, I was incomplete in my info. I'm having the problem with the RPi package. It appears that I am able to establish connection to a web service of some sort, but now I am getting this message:

An error has occurred: {"code":"ECONNRESET"}

I seem to have been able to fix this by running "npm install" in the /peer-vnc-pkg-release-rpi directory

@dhsc19 good catch. I will update RPI release package