
This repository is motivated with bismex and layumi. The style follows ndb796's repository.
Thanks for all! 😃.

The other open-source projects are introduced in here.

Code Tutorial

  1. layumi/Person_reID_baseline_pytorch
  2. Cysu/Open-ReID : a lightweight library for person reID (a.k.a., Openreid)
  3. open-mmlab / OpenUnReID
  4. KaiyangZhou / deep-person-reid : a library for deep learning-based re-ID (a.k.a., Torchreid)
  5. serend1p1ty / person_search : pedestrian-detection + reID
  6. dmlc / gluon-cv : API toolkits
  7. michuanhaohao / reid-strong-baseline : CVPR2019 workshop
  8. qiaoguan / Person-reid-GAN-pytorch : GAN-based reID
  9. huanghoujing / person-reid-triplet-loss-baseline : Triplet-based reID


  1. NEU-Gou / awesome-reid-dataset : dataset overview
  2. Person Re-identification Datasets : original link of NEU-Gou