
More frequent updates on deaths?

freedomlives opened this issue ยท 8 comments

As we're in a lockdown again, wouldn't it make sense to update this data, which along with hospitalizations is a pretty critical metric, at least once, if not twice a week?
As that data isn't presented here, does it mean that the government is making decisions about lockdown without actually knowing the situation with deaths?

Also, is there not data from hospitals on deaths of COVID patients? Obviously, not all of them are dying "from" COVID but just "with" COVID, but it would seem like that would still be useful to get an idea of trends, and also how behind the pathologists are with determining cause of death.

Hi, definitely I would welcome more frequent updates on deaths as well.

Yes, that would be nice - having data more often.
When you plot consecutive data sets against the daily reports, you can get a rough estimate about the delay even now, though more data would give a better idea, running count of all deaths regardless whether "with" or "from" would also give immediate a rough idea...

Well, the data on deaths that are reported per day (OpenData_Slovakia_Covid_DeathsCumulative.xlsx) is the same thing that can be seen at (when using a desktop browser, just a PITA to manually write down the data). So its possible to get figures that are up to date there with both "with" and "from" deaths.

BTW, some other interesting data sources are the overall mortality trends.
Weekly mortality (up to date thru week 43, more than is on Eurostat):!/view/en/VBD_URBANAUDIT/om3003tr/v_om3003tr_00_00_00_en
Monthly mortality (just got updated to include October), which is broken down by cause of death:!/view/en/VBD_SK_WIN2/om3801mr/v_om3801mr_00_00_00_en
What I find interesting in the second source, is that while the number of COVID deaths in October and September remained almost the same between 2020 and 2021, there were 335 deaths from other respiratory diseases this year (and overall 233 more deaths -- some categories of death were lower)

Well, new updates, and in fact one on 30. Nov, then again yesterday. @scarfaace @BInLabVIEW

@freedomlives let's see when the next update comes.

And here we are, more than two weeks later. The government has relaxed (basically ended lockdown -- or maybe is it just those of us with kids aren't anyway outside the home after 8pm, so we don't notice? :-) ), so assuming the number of deaths has also peaked, although number of deaths reported each day has increased over the last few days...
(Given that we're only in the middle of the first of four months when most Slovaks will be deficient in vitamin D, I'm not so optimistic that a downturn will continue either, unfortunately. I only recently came across a study from 2016 that tracked serum 25(OH)D levels in nearly 600 Slovaks each month. )

@scarfaace now updated, yet the same number of entries, just with some later dates? It is strange.

As today weekly mortality has been updated to the end of 2021 (see link), a bump on the deaths data would be good.!/view/en/VBD_URBANAUDIT/om3003tr/v_om3003tr_00_00_00_en