
Allow end user customization of tab complete definitions

Closed this issue · 2 comments

PlotSquared Feature Suggestion:
This feature would allow the end-user to define the tab complete information for PS commands to work only with user defined PS command aliases.

How should it be implemented?
I think this is a fairly straightforward request, presently the tab complete command definitions are hard-coded to a large list of commands that start with /plot. As of PS v5.11.1 entering /plot on the command line will generate the following list of tab complete options:


This large tab complete listing seems redundant and adds ambiguity to the "preffered" command the server owner would like players to use for PS. This also conflicts to a degree with other plot plugins that use /plot, that may be concurrently in use. (Ex. Such as on RPG servers that are also using a "survival wilderness" type plot plugin.)

Note: Presently PS allows commands to be tied to aliases, many of which are listed above.

I feel it would be beneficial to the PS community to allow the tab complete information to be customized so that it could be tied to a single preferred alias. From the players perspective this would allow for separation of command systems between PS and other plugins that use /plot* type commands. (Ex. Remap tab complete to only auto-fill when /p2 is entered not /plot)

Additional context


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  • [X] I made sure my suggestion does not exist yet (Check the wiki)
  • [X] I made sure my suggestion is useful for the majority of PlotSquared users

I'm not that involved in the community yet, but I feel this feature would allow a greater degree of customization to PS and decrease clutter & command ambiguity which is always a good thing. :)

That would be a nice feature. I also recommend to remove the /plotme command because PlotSquared is not Plotme! it would be cool if plotsquared only had these commands: /plot /p /plotsquared /p2 /plots

/ps and /plotme a complete useless!

Won't be added.