
Seperating No permission messages

DevJoey opened this issue · 2 comments

PlotSquared Feature Suggestion:

It would be nice if the command no permission message and the build on road permission messages gets seperated. So i can translate plot quared better. I would like to be able to remove the permission message, if the player builds. So he get not be spammed. But for the command no permission i will have a simple. "Yo do not have the permission to execute this command".
It would be nice if the no permission messages gets seperated.

How should it be implemented?

Folowing keys in the language section.
command-noperm: "You need the permission %s to use this command!"
build-road-noperm: "You cant build on the road."
interact-noperm: "You cant interact with that."
pvp-noperm: "You have no permission for PVP here."
pve-noperm: "You have no permission for PVE here."

Additional context


  • I made sure there are no duplicates of my suggestion (Use search)
  • I made sure my suggestion does not exist yet (Check the wiki)
  • I made sure my suggestion is useful for the majority of PlotSquared users

why Declined? it is a useful feature

There are hundreds of permissions that P2 uses - this would take a massive amount of time to do, and increase the size of translations files massively. It's not a feature anyone else has requested, so the effort and drawbacks required are not worth it for us.