How to convert the graphalytics benchmark's dataset to gr file?
photoszzt opened this issue · 2 comments
photoszzt commented
The dataset is from here:
The data has a file that encodes edge(.e) with a tuple and a file that contains vertex(.v).
I try the following:
./build/bin/graph-convert --edgelist2gr --edgeType=void inputs/graph
alytics_xs/example-undirected/example-undirected.e inputs/graphalytics_xs/example-undirected/
Graph type: void
InGraph : |V| = 11, |E| = 12
OutGraph: |V| = 11, |E| = 12
On the website, the example-undirected graph has 9 vertexes and 12 edges. I don't know how to add the vertex list. It seems the input only accept one file.
photoszzt commented
By the way, what's the gr format? Is it a form of Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format stored on disk?
l-hoang commented
I'm sorry for the late response.
- I took a look at example-undirected: it seems it's actually working as intended.
You don't actually need the vertex list since the converter will determine the # of vertices
from the edges list (max index is # of vertices: in this case it's 10, and it's 0-indexed, so vertices
ends up 11).
To keep the edge types as well, you need to specify the edgeType option to the converter
as "float". Use -help to get the exact command.
- Yes, the gr format is just a binary CSR on disk with a header.