
Livewire Class create in Http, does not match with Laravel-11 / config of livewire

Opened this issue · 3 comments

php artisan make:livewire MyDemoLivewireModule --module=[module name] create the Livewire File into
'/app-modules/my-demo-livewire-module/Http/Livewire/MyDemoLivewireModule' regardless what is configured in config('livewire.class_namespace')

File should be during creation stored into '/app-modules/my-demo-livewire-module/Livewire/MyDemoLivewireModule' or whatever the str_contains(config('livewire.class_namespace') is.

use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;

protected function createClass($force = false, $inline = false)
			if ($module = $this->module()) {
				$name = Str::of($this->argument('name'))
					->map([Str::class, 'studly'])

// Bugnotice: Http can be wrong
				$classPath = $module->path('src/Http/Livewire/'.$name.'.php');

				if (File::exists($classPath) && ! $force) {
					$this->line("<options=bold,reverse;fg=red> WHOOPS-IE-TOOTLES </> 😳 \n");
					$this->line("<fg=red;options=bold>Class already exists:</> {$this->parser->relativeClassPath()}");

					return false;


				File::put($classPath, $this->parser->classContents($inline));

				$component_name = Str::of($name)
					->map([Str::class, 'kebab'])

				$fully_qualified_component = Str::of($this->argument('name'))
// Bugnotice: Http can be wrong
					->map([Str::class, 'studly'])

				Livewire::component("{$module->name}::{$component_name}", $module->qualify($fully_qualified_component));

				return $classPath;

			return parent::createClass($force, $inline);
public function livewireComponentFileFinder(): FinderCollection
		$directory = $this->base_path.'/*/src';

		if (str_contains(config('livewire.class_namespace'), '\\Http\\')) {
			$directory .= '/Http';

		$directory .= '/Livewire';

		return FinderCollection::forFiles()

I think config('livewire.class_namespace') with livewire default value 'class_namespace' => 'App\\Livewire', does not make sense in InterNACHI-Module.

may be it smarter to create in /confg/app-modules.php a 'livewire_location' => './' // in your modules src root.

good or bad way?

@inxilpro At the Moment i am on refactoring(local) your module-package with a lot of enhancements

My question: is there a way or do you wish my refactoring in module@next or something like that or is it better, that i make my own fork completly by myself as an own fork?