
Spelliing Errors in Using Medley

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In Using Medley re WSL, there are spelliing and unctuation errors.

Original paragraph:
Using WSL (Windows Syswem for Linux). Medley on WSL requires the WSL subsystem to be installed on your Windows system. And when installing and using Medley on WSL you are working within a Linux environment. Some familiarity with Linux and the Linux command line is helpful. Medley on WSL is best for users who are running WSL anyway and/or prefer working in a Linux environment.

should be:
Revised Paragraph:
Using WSL (Windows System for Linux). Medley on WSL requires the WSL subsystem to be installed on your Windows system. And, when installing and using Medley on WSL,, you are working within a Linux environment. Some familiarity with Linux and the Linux command line is helpful. Medley on WSL is best for users who are running WSL anyway and/or prefer working in a Linux environment.

Addressed by PR #241.