
6.8.34 bad translation german

Closed this issue · 5 comments

if user 1 creates an appointment with user 2 as participant and a weekly repetition user 1 get a mail with for example:
Wiederhole alle Woche am Freitag

this should be:
Wiederhole jede Woche am Freitag
Wiederholung jede Woche am Freitag

Fixed for the next release.

i checked your change and as i notice german is triggy :-/

there is a difference between 1 and many days or weeks; for example:

  • Wiederhole jede Woche am Freitag
  • Wiederhole aller 5 Wochen am Freitag
  • Wiederhole jeden Tag
  • Wiederhole aller 5 Tage

That's tricky indeed. As for the lang is defined as:

Repeat every %s at %s

So we can't distinguish single or multiple. Is there a generic solution?

Maybe my last commit improves it?

after 15 minutes to think i have not really an idea, sorry :-/