
6.8.39 Error when updating with mysql db server

Closed this issue · 7 comments

There seems to be an error when updating to 6.8.39 an having a mysql server db running ubuntu 22.04 (no fresh install).
Switching to mariadb did the trick, update performed without an error.

Update Log:
Skipping module kanban because it's not available.
[core/core] Excuting query: delete from core_acl_group_changes;
core/core updated from 372 to 373
[core/core] Excuting query: alter table core_acl_group_changes change grantModSeq modSeq int not null;
core/core updated from 373 to 374
[core/core] Excuting query: alter table core_acl_group_changes add granted boolean not null;
core/core updated from 374 to 375
[core/core] Excuting query: alter table core_acl_group_changes drop column revokeModSeq;
core/core updated from 375 to 376
[core/core] Excuting query: create index if not exists aclId2
on core_acl_group_changes (aclId, groupId, modSeq);
0: Database exception
Query: create index if not exists aclId2
on core_acl_group_changes (aclId, groupId, modSeq);
Package: core
Module: core
Module installed version: 376
Module source version: 377
ABORTING: Please contact support

I have the same thing with Debian 12 and MySQL 8.0.36. Commented two updates to the database in updates.php to finish it:

$updates['202403181539'][] = "create index if not exists aclId2
on core_acl_group_changes(aclId, groupId, modSeq);";

$updates['202403181539'][] = "alter table core_acl_group_changes
add constraint group
foreign key (groupId) references core_group (id)
on delete cascade on update cascade";

Hi, i have the same problem here... but uncommenting the mentioned lines did not help fully...

had to comment out these lines:

// $updates['202403181539'][] = "create index if not exists aclId2 on core_acl_group_changes (aclId, groupId, modSeq);";

// $updates['202403181539'][] = "drop index aclId on core_acl_group_changes;";

// $updates['202403181539'][] = "drop index group on core_acl_group_changes;";

// $updates['202403181539'][] = "alter table core_acl_group_changes add constraint group foreign key (groupId) references core_group (id) on delete cascade on update cascade";

but is that a proper fix?

I think that it should suffice to change this:

$updates['202403181539'][] = "create index if not exists aclId2 on core_acl_group_changes (aclId, groupId, modSeq);";

into this:

$updates['202403181539'][] = "create index aclId2 on core_acl_group_changes (aclId, groupId, modSeq);";

Apparently MySQL does not support the IF NOT EXISTS bit on creating indexes.

[edit]: I am reading some conflicting information on whether DROP INDEX IF EXISTS is supported my MySQL8, You may want to try adding the IF EXISTS option to lines 1550 and 1552. If that does not work, just replace the queries with empty strings, e.g. $updates['202403181539'][] = "";

@derjoachim thanks for the quick reply...
i did your mentioned changes in the updates.php and restarted the update procedure...

got following output:
Session writing closed
go\core\db\DbException in /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/db/Statement.php at line 188: Database exception, DEBUG: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'forcepasswordchange' for key 'core_auth_method.PRIMARY', Full SQL: INSERT INTO core_auth_method (
Previous: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'forcepasswordchange' for key 'core_auth_method.PRIMARY'
#0 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Property.php(1777): go\core\db\Statement->execute()
#1 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Property.php(1847): go\core\orm\Property->insertTableRecord()
#2 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Property.php(1321): go\core\orm\Property->saveTable()
#3 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Property.php(1281): go\core\orm\Property->saveTables()
#4 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Entity.php(424): go\core\orm\Property->internalSave()
#5 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/orm/Entity.php(352): go\core\orm\Entity->internalSave()
#6 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/auth/BaseAuthenticator.php(51): go\core\orm\Entity->save()
#7 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/install/updates.php(1567): go\core\auth\BaseAuthenticator::register()
#8 [internal function]: go\core\Installer->{closure}()
#9 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/Installer.php(730): call_user_func()
#10 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/Installer.php(514): go\core\Installer->upgradeModules()
#11 /usr/share/groupoffice/install/upgrade.php(119): go\core\Installer->upgrade()
#12 {main}
Validation error in go\core\auth\Method::core_auth_method.PRIMARY: 11 = The property must be unique
go\core\auth\Method::internalSave() returned false
go\core\auth\Method::internalSave() returned false
Rolling back save operation for go\core\auth\Method
Exception in /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/auth/BaseAuthenticator.php at line 52: Could not register authenticator!array (
'core_auth_method.PRIMARY' =>
array (
'code' => 11,
'description' => 'The property must be unique',
#0 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/install/updates.php(1567): go\core\auth\BaseAuthenticator::register()
#1 [internal function]: go\core\Installer->{closure}()
#2 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/Installer.php(730): call_user_func()
#3 /usr/share/groupoffice/go/core/Installer.php(514): go\core\Installer->upgradeModules()
#4 /usr/share/groupoffice/install/upgrade.php(119): go\core\Installer->upgrade()
#5 {main}

not shure if that was caused from the error before?


This was discussed internally. Well patch it later today.

A new release will come today.

update to latest version worked flawlessly, thanks!