
Link to IDSA-White-Paper-Specification-IDS-Clearing-House-.pdf is incorrect.

Stefan-Kaessler opened this issue · 1 comments

What part of the repository is this related to?

Correct link to IDSA-White-Paper-Specification-IDS-Clearing-House-.pdf in Components/ClearingHouse/

What exactly should be changed?

Change the link from to

Why does it need to change?

The link is broken.

Is there already something done that should be used or do we need something new?

Additional notes

Instead of using a link to the latest version of the document(s) maybe a link to a linkage page where the latest documents can be found (and updated without the need to update each reference) would be better.

This is not the only broken link. The, for example, contains a link to Glossary "ParIS" (see screenshot below), that is broken. It seems to me that a broken link checker might be nice to have.
