
Details how to inpaint?

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Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with this and seemingly getting diff results when doing some trial and error.

1: create img with txt2img
2: erase region of img I want SD to inpaint?
*3: select the img layer and press inpaint. ... just gives me a new inpaint 1 layer... that is all white.


1: create img with txt2img
2: erase region of transparency mask of the img I want SD to inpaint?
*3: select the img layer and press inpaint. ... just gives me a new inpaint 1 layer... that is all white.

1: create img with txt2img
2: erase region of transparency mask of the img I want SD to inpaint?
*3: select the transparency layer and press inpaint. ... Crashes Krita

Advice on what I might be doing wrong here would be appreciated!


Watch the demo video: