
Found `XYZ` Script with mismatch between bytes and hash on `master`

ArturWieczorek opened this issue · 3 comments

Version number:
Git hash: 15656e4

There is an issue on master where after stopping service and starting it again it tries to fix scripts hashes:

Found some wrong values already. The oldest ones are (hash, bytes): [("8d73f125395466f1d68570447e4f4b87cd633c6728f3802b2dcfca20","5914
<SKIPPED> f565f4e465401ff0001")]
Found 17463 Script with mismatch between bytes and hash.

Here are logs examples:


Thank you this was caused by commit 9e446341741db856e30b77edc32c59d120eda75b which is in master but not released
and in particular 9e44634#diff-23041e6f296ec26493d184b4167eb2d3070f4483fcbfe1d5048bef429b209f3bR115

Fixed at #1648

@kderme Kostas I still can see it on :

git last
commit d249be066beb22a918ed60b4952a2370aca5a28a (HEAD, tag: sancho-4.1.0, origin/kderme/update-schema)

./db-sync-node/bin/cardano-db-sync version
cardano-db-sync - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.10
git revision d249be066beb22a918ed60b4952a2370aca5a28a
[db-sync-node:Info:84] [2024-03-20 12:43:10.46 UTC] Found some wrong values already. The oldest ones are (hash, bytes): [("8d73f125395466f1d68570447e4f4b87cd633c6728f3802b2dcfca20",


[db-sync-node:Info:84] [2024-03-20 12:43:10.46 UTC] Found 2682 Script with mismatch between bytes and hash.
[db-sync-node:Info:84] [2024-03-20 12:43:10.47 UTC] Starting chainsync to fix Plutus Scripts. This will update database values in tables script.
[db-sync-node:Info:84] [2024-03-20 12:43:10.47 UTC] Starting fixing Plutus Scripts At (Block {blockPointSlot = SlotNo 6056613, blockPointHash = b0a50126abfbcb9d4f79751b258cf7dff7b4fa2696b24e8b5a407b4db1aff8f6})
[db-sync-node:Info:84] [2024-03-20 12:43:18.46 UTC] Finished chainsync to fix Plutus Scripts.
[db-sync-node.Mux:Notice:81] [2024-03-20 12:43:18.46 UTC] Bearer on ConnectionId {localAddress = LocalAddress "", remoteAddress = LocalAddress "preview/node.socket"} event: Miniprotocol (MiniProtocolNum 5) InitiatorDir terminated cleanly

Logs attached:
