
Document feature UTxO-HD v0.1

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Blog post

UTxO-HD will have an impact on the Cardano node performance for no apparent immediate benefit. We need to:

  • Explain why UTxO-HD is important for the long-term sustainability of the Cardano node.
  • Warn about the expected performance loss.
  • Explain the problem and solution
  • Implications of not solving the problem, in particular, what would the mem requirements be.
  • Explain what this means for sustainability and decentralization.

We need performance metrics so that the community can make an informed decision.

We will relay this information in the form of a draft blogpost to the Cardano Steering Committee.


  • #151
  • Develop documentation for other developers/teams (inc. READMEs) (#250).
  • Develop documentation for the general public (#252).
  • utxo-db-api design document should get an editorial review (#326).
  • utxo-db and utxo-db-api documents should be accessible somewhere (#330).
  • Develop technical documentation, like ouroboros-consensus/docs/utxo-hd/report.pdf low-level report (superseded by haddocks documentation).

Important information to include

  • Why do we have a changelog diff anchor? Differences between volatile anchors
    and diff anchors.


Currently, the docs folder is structured as follow:


As mentioned above, we need some documentation for the general public and some technical documentation aimed at developers.

  • Documentation for the general public (in about-ouroboros): A file describing the motivation for UTxO-HD, what users can expect from using either in-memory or LMDB, configuration options, installation requirements
  • Documentation for developers/technical documentation (in for-developers):
    • high-level description of the feature and files structure. Maybe a section on how downstream packages are affected? (I think that's mostly having to use ledger tables and mapkinds in some places)
    • utxo-hd/ : markdown files for important concepts/components.
      • Design concepts (re-iterating parts of the utxo-db-api document, like the partitioned in-memory/on-disk representation)
      • Ledger states with holes
        • Ledger tables
        • Hard fork combinator
      • The new LedgerDB
        • BackingStore
        • Changelog
      • Ledger-HD: more on-disk tables

Documentation must wait until version 2 of the LedgerDB API is finished.