
Using XJC version 2.3.0 fails

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I'm getting the following error when I use 2.3.0 for jaxb.xjcVersion:

[ant:xjc] [ERROR] External parsing is disabled. Cannot parse URI: file:/home/boris/some-dir/some-file.dtd
[ant:xjc] unknown location

The file does exists. This does not happen when using 2.2.11. Any ideas?

Maybe this is a solution:

Create a file named under /path/to/jdk1.8.0/jre/lib and then write this line in it:

javax.xml.accessExternalSchema = all

Thanks for the answer but that doesn't fix the issue for me. I tried following some of the comments in this thread - I put that file in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib, in $JAVA_HOME/lib, I put javax.xml.accessExternalDTD in addition to javax.xml.accessExternalSchema, I used System.setProperty('javax.xml.accessExternalSchema', 'all') in a bunch of places in my build.gradle - none of that helped. Any other ideas? I don't think the issue should be closed for now. :)

See #5
I think there is no other solution.

I am using Java 8 and the plugin works fine with XJC version 2.2.11. It doesn't work with 2.3.0, the same Java 8. So the problem is not in Java 8 I guess but somewhere else.

@boris-petrov I had the same problem. Setting system property enableExternalEntityProcessing to true helped me. Take a look at javaee/jaxb-dtd-parser@389ef2d. This is exactly the place where my code failed.

I'm creating xjc task by my own so I can not give you direct solution for this plugin, but maybe code below will help you (worked for me):

configurations {

dependencies {
    jaxWsTools ''

task generateClassesFromDTD(description: 'Generates classes from DTD') {
    doLast {
        ant {
            taskdef(name: 'xjc', classname: '', classpath: configurations.jaxWsTools.asPath)
                package: 'some.package',
                destdir: "${buildDir}/generated-sources",
                schema: "${projectDir}/src/main/resources/schema.dtd",
                fork: true,
                    arg line: '-XautoNameResolution -dtd'
                    jvmarg value: '-DenableExternalEntityProcessing=true'

I used ant.xjc.jvmarg because System.setProperty didn't work. After that java sources were generated but xjc task failed with some other reason. Fork helped (see ant.xjc(fork: true)).

@adrian-wozniak - thank you so much for your help! That seems to have fixed the issue, however then I hit another one: xjc failed. I guess this is the "other reason" you mention. I read here that forking fixes that. However this plugin here doesn't support that.

@m-raab - is it possible to add support for forking?

@boris-petrov I'd the "xjc failed" issue, and fork helped. You don't really need this plugin to generate JAXB files, see code below.

configurations {

dependencies {

def schemaDir = "src/main/resources"
def generatedSources = "$buildDir/generated-sources"
def xjcOutputDir = "$generatedSources/java/main"

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs files(xjcOutputDir) {

task xjc {
    inputs.dir "$schemaDir"
    outputs.dir "$xjcOutputDir"

    doLast {
        project.ant {
                    name: "xjc",
                    classname: "",
                    classpath: configurations.jaxb.asPath)
                    destdir: "$xjcOutputDir",
                    package: "net.sourceforge.pmd",
                    schema: "$schemaDir/ruleset_2_0_0.xsd",
                    binding: "$schemaDir/binding.xjb",
                    encoding: "UTF-8",
                    fork: true
            ) {
                arg(line: "-verbose")
                arg(line: "-no-header")
                arg(line: "-mark-generated")

@asarkar - thanks! I've been using something like this to workaround the issue, yes. Thanks again!