Not_Authed Issue with Token Parameter vs Header Authorization Bearer
lf73 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
All requests result in a not_authed result. My existing code was working until I had to delete and recreate an app in Slack due to a user change. I have noticed that the BOT token is now longer.
Using the Slack API tester, I can successfully post a message to a channel. I compared what is sent in the Slack API test with what is being sent through the "SlackAPI" in C# using Fiddler. I found that Token is being used as a parameter versus using the recommended Authorization Bearer as an HTTP header.
Can SlackAPI be adjusted to use the Authorization Bearer? does indicate that while a bearer token is preferred &Token = should work.
The format of my original token
And new token
So perhaps this might be a bug in Slack not allowing the proper length in their parameter.
Received a response from Slack Tech Support than Token is no longer supported for newly created apps.
Web API method authentication changes
Newly created Slack apps and custom integrations may no longer send token as a query string parameter and must send it instead as a POST parameter or better yet, a HTTP Authorization header. Existing apps may continue doing what they already do.
Here's what you need to know.
If you create a new app or legacy custom integration-based bot (or hubot), you'll need to send token to us the preferred way.
If you use a rare kind of blueprint-based app, newly created apps from that blueprint must also follow this rule.
There is no impact to existing apps.
I believe I encountered this problem as well trying to post a message using a newly created app. Calls to SlackClient.PostMessage result in a PostMessageResponse with error 'invalid_auth'. Using the 'Tester' tab on the Slack website ( works fine for the new app.
Thanks for the PR @ifonya105 . I also walked into this issue today. Good to see someone had taken the time to investigate and fix :-). Hope it will be merged soon!
Yep.. blocking issue. First experience with C# and slack today, and this really killed it. At least there is a fix :)
Yesterday was also my first attempt at Slack integration with C#. Also blocked.
Pull request is approved.
Thank you to all the participants!