
Allow mutliple -b and -a options

peey opened this issue · 1 comments

peey commented

Instead of having to specify the example file by -f

For instance, I tried strans -b a.b -a a-b and wanted to replace all dots with dashes on output of ls

It worked for normal filenames such as file.js but for file2.config.js the transformation was file2-js, so the program inferred was "take everything before the first dot and everything after the last dot and join them via a dash"

Giving -b a.b.c -a a-b-c produced weird behavior

Giving both of them in an example filed worked.

I suspect it'll often be the case that I have to give an additional example.

So support for -b before1 before2 -a after1 after2 or support for -b before1 -a after1 -b before2 -a after2 would be awesome.

Agreed. Not sure when I'll find time to work on this.