
[Request] Features

bbday opened this issue · 3 comments

bbday commented

Implement something liket this (with Time range and load must be switch on also if no enought power daily):


Should be also prefer use Watt instead Volt + Amp + Phases, cause all sensors provide Watt and not need complex math for Triphase load ...

Let's say I use this to power an immersion heater. Could we have an entity in the setup that checks to see, for example, what temp the hot water is at before it decides to activate or not?

Another cool thing might be to have an 'indicator' entity as an output.
Take the washing machine, most of us probably have an energy monitoring plug attached, and most washing machines require some sort of human interaction (ie, loading the laundry!) so instead of toggling the power state of the plug to suggest that the excess solar could be used for the washing machine... Could we have an entity that is a visual indicator of the monitored appliances that could be activated, rather than actually activating appliances (or their plugs)

Implement something liket this (with Time range and load must be switch on also if no enought power daily):

ffd098c828fb4e5d2f6fe470a4d339cbf51a0e96_2_690x389 a57e54cde00b81f918cb1afe0f9c2a2063d5f69a

Should be also prefer use Watt instead Volt + Amp + Phases, cause all sensors provide Watt and not need complex math for Triphase load ...

Might indeed be usefull. I'm trying to use an electrical water heather (80 liters) as some sort of solar battery. It runs 2000W for 20 minutes for every shower. Could be schduled during daytime when there is exess power but in wintertime it would need to run anyway even if there is not enough solar production (and to avoid the risking legionella infections if the temp of the water goes to low.