
Add helper override for ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging

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When using this with rails and ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging, the tagged logging code intercepts the log message with context hash and turns it into a string before passing it to the formatter proc.

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like there to be an additional Mixin to gracefully handle this.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I've already done a monkey-patch in my code to get this working, but think this will be a common issue with utilizing this gem, and should be added to the core.

Additional context

Here is the monkey patch code I used.

module ActiveSupport
  module TaggedLogging
    module Formatter
      def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
        msg_with_tags = case msg
                        when Hash
                          msg.merge({ log_tags: tags_text })
        super(severity, timestamp, progname, msg_with_tags)