Not working after latest Fortnite update?
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Hi there, I have 2 guitars - One Xbox 360 Xplorer and an Adruino modded Les Paul.
After downloading FesitvalInstrumentMapper after today's update in FN and using the Xplorer, it showed it recgonised the guitar and I hit "remap!" it said it had.
When I opened the game, it was showing "unbound" when on Pro Guitar and when I checked my Fortnite settings, there was no bindings, I tried doing it through the games settings to no avail.
I did also download the HidHide and restarted my PC and the game multiple times so I'm not sure if anything within the new update has caused FIM not to work as intended?
Not working for me either, but it's more like Fortnite fails to recognize the controller at all. At least with HidHide enabled which I have to have enabled otherwise the whammy bar gets mapped to right stick and causes all kinds of problems making the game unplayable.
Whatever made the mapping work in season 3 has seemingly been altered so it looks like the utility is in need of an update.
same, im having issues with my 360xplor