
Markdown in the editor

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi @IonicaBizau!

Thanks for this extension. If I understand it correctly, this allows the output of the Medium editor to be Markdown output. Is there any ability to have the Medium Editor understand Markdown when a user enters Markdown and translate that to Html?

@oyeanuj I will take a closer look, but in short it should be something like:

  1. Convert the markdown in HTML.
  2. Set the new HTML in the editor. Not sure what's the best way to do this.


This extension looks good, but it would be better to have support for Markdown as in input to the editor instead of the output. I'm using it as a Jekyll editor so the files are written in Markdown.

With the way this extension now work I have to

  1. Convert Markdown to HTML
  2. Change content with editor
  3. Save Markdown out of this extension

It would be nice if the first step is not needed.

@harianus Thanks for the suggestion! Indeed, that would be a nice feature. Contributions are welcome! ❇️

What did you end up doing as a workaround? Any ideas?

I'm just realizing that the editor outputs Markdown, but it can't read it 😞 I want to persist the Markdown into a DB, and then read it again. I was assuming that the editor could read Markdown and allow you to make further edits.

I'll take a crack at solving this. Seems like a useful feature to have.

I was using Marked to convert the markdown to HTML but the results aren't perfect. My use-case is for having bi-directional editors (Rich Text vs. Markdown) and being able to switch seamlessly between "source" (Ace editor) and "rich text" (medium editor).

That would be cool!

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On 12 Aug 2016, at 16:52, Abhinav Pobbati wrote:

I was using Marked to convert the HTML to markdown but the results aren't perfect. My use-case is for having bi-directional editors (Rich Text vs. Markdown) and being able to switch seamlessly between "source" (Ace editor) and "rich text" (medium editor).

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Also looking for this. Anyone got a work-around?

Yea it would be cool, but I don't think it is his job. My usage is sending the markdown to the server, pass it to megamark to do some more customizations easily and save both html (from megamark) and markdown to the disk. When wanna edit the article I just load it on div where editor reads.

If i'm not using the megamark i can easily get value (which is html) of the div where editor is. Just inspect the leftside panel on the demo to got what i'm talking - it is realtime converting to html.

Is there anyone I could pay to add this feature?

Hi, @IonicaBizau . Is it possible to have the editor on the markdown view and only that? Thank you!