
API return JSON with HTML property

AleTid5 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there!
I am using this library and I realized that there is a case that is not contemplated, it seems to me.
The API returns the following JSON:
{"status":"success","content":{"block":"<div class=\"category-products\">\r\n <div class=\"toolbar\">\r\n...
Any idea how to scrap it? (My intention is not to use an external library)


No, you will have to parse the response manually and send it to scrapeIt.scrapeHTML(parsedData.content.block).

Yup! I solved it using this piece of code (may be I help someone):

const scrapAjax = (page) => {
    async (err, res) => {
      const {
        content: { block, last },
      } = JSON.parse(res.body); // JSON.parse(res.body) = {status: true, content: {block: "<div><p>...", last: false|true}}

      const products = scrapeIt.scrapeHTML(block, { data }); // data = {listItem: "div...", data: {...}}

      if (!last) {
        // ToDo: Wait 1 second until next call.
        scrapAjax(page + 1);

Thanks!! 🚀