
Controlling STR-DE885

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello! I am trying to use this to change the volume on my Sony STR-DE885 receiver/amp. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, and I'm wondering if I'm simply wiring it incorrectly. All other sources seem to require the use of a transistor, but the other issues just say that a diode/resistor should be used (but is not necessary). Do you just connect the output pin of the Arduino to the tip of a TRS connector, and the Arduino's ground to the sleeve?


If I remember well what I did with in the past when I tested the circuit, I powered the microcontroller with 3.2V and directly connected one microcontroller pin to S-LINK. I might have used a diode but I have no note, I need to open the device to verify it.

Thanks! I hope I didn't damage anything by using 5V... Just to clarify, you connected the Arduino ground to the cable too, right? This is what I imagine the setup would look like


Edit: unless I'm misunderstanding and you mean you opened the amp and soldered directly to the SLINK input on the board?

Yes, the Digispark is powered by the internal standby power supply rail of the amp (5.6V reduced to 5V) and the S-Link is internally hardwired to the S-Link rail following the schematic diagrams of the amp service manual. I confirm that there is a direct wiring as described here, but I was wrong with the power supply: the Digispark is powered at 5V. Here you can find a description of the physical layer of the interface.