
"Bobbing" issue on certain slopes

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When attempting to walk up certain slopes, the character will go into a "bobbing" motion where they go up and then slide down the slope repeatedly. Sometimes the player will become still after a couple loops and sometimes it will continue to bob, not responding to any input at all. Here is a .gif of the bug on the unmodified terrain demo scene. For the duration of the .gif no input is being given.


P.S. So far other than this issue this controller seems to work awesome!!! Thanks for contributing it to the community :D

Hey MJ,
That issue tends to occur when the PlayerMachine keeps swapping between grounded an non-grounded. This happens when the IsGrounded method is not properly detecting the sloped wall (or ignoring it correctly). So while it looks like he's sliding up and down the wall, what's really happening is that he's entering the "falling" state, being pulled back down and then going back up. You can verify this by enabling the PlayerMachineDebug script on the Player object.

It's an old, annoying bug I thought I had fixed. I'll look into if this error happened due to new changes, but the SCC really needs a more in depth grounding system at this point.

I'm having the same issue. Has any progress been made on this?