boolean async_response(socket TEXT, channel TEXT, aspect TEXT, data TEXT)
boolean async_response(port INTEGER, channel TEXT, aspect TEXT, data TEXT)
in your complex query to send immediately to REDIS from PostgreSQL:
PUBLISH channel message
(message = aspect~data)
select async_response(6379,'some_channel'::text,'aspect'::text,'dane'::text);
select async_response('/var/run/redis/redis.sock','some_channel'::text,'products'::text,'{"a":32}'::text);
select async_response('/var/run/redis/redis.sock','some_channel'::text,'categories'::text,'{"b":66}'::text);
WITH all_results as(
/* This is my context. I don't want to send it back but I need it to get other data */
num as id,
((num-1)%10) as cat_id,
((num-1)%5) as parent_id
FROM generate_series(1,1070) as ser(num), pg_sleep(2) /* its expensive */
), latest_id as (
select max(id) as max_id
from all_results
), request_latest_id as (
/* send it back as soon as possible */
SELECT async_response('/var/run/redis/redis.sock','some_channel','latest_id'::text,
(select max_id::text from latest_id))
), cats as (
/* faceted search - 1000 ms */
count(1) as counter
all_results, pg_sleep(1)
group by cat_id
), request_cats as (
SELECT async_response('/var/run/redis/redis.sock','some_channel','cats'::text,
(select json_agg( row_to_json(cats))::text from cats))
), parents as (
/* faceted search - 1000 ms */
count(1) as counter
all_results, pg_sleep(1)
group by parent_id
), request_parents as (
SELECT async_response('/var/run/redis/redis.sock','some_channel','parents'::text,
(select json_agg( row_to_json(parents))::text from parents))
(select * from request_latest_id), /* you need at least touch request_latest_id to send it back */
(select * from request_cats),
(select * from request_parents)
Redis response (redis-cli):
>SUBSCRIBE some_channel
1) "message"
2) "some_channel"
3) "latest_id~1070"
1) "message"
2) "some_channel"
3) "cats~[{\"cat_id\":7,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":2,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":6,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":9,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":0,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":3,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":5,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":1,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":4,\"counter\":107}, {\"cat_id\":8,\"counter\":107}]"
1) "message"
2) "some_channel"
3) "parents~[{\"parent_id\":2,\"counter\":214}, {\"parent_id\":0,\"counter\":214}, {\"parent_id\":3,\"counter\":214}, {\"parent_id\":1,\"counter\":214}, {\"parent_id\":4,\"counter\":214}]"
PostgresQL response:
async_response async_response async_response
true true true
Time: 4,011.548 ms.
- first part of response is available after 2000ms, next after 3000ms
- you dont have to download the whole "all_results" or query it more than once
- you can do everything in one just query and have first-byte of response before the whole response is ready
Requires libhiredis-devel package.
$ make
$ sudo make install
drop extension if exists "async_response";
create extension if not exists "async_response" with schema public;
select * from async_response( 'unix_socket', 'channel', 'aspect', 'data');
select * from async_response( port, 'channel', 'aspect', 'data');
Note: Unix_socket connection is a bit faster than tcp connection