
Deadlocked cause by SqlTableDependency store procedure

pmout opened this issue · 0 comments

pmout commented

Hello Cristian.
I have been using SqlTableDependency with Web Service for some time.
For the second time I get an error with the message:

Source spid32s
The activated proc '[dbo].[dbo__a4966f60-6ec4-466f-9b72-a62dda5a9fbd_QueueActivationSender]' running on queue '.dbo.dbo_***_a4966f60-6ec4-466f-9b72-a62dda5a9fbd_Sender' output the following: 'Transaction (Process ID 32) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.'

After that the database is somehow blocked until I delete the store procedure.

Can you check it please?
