
`greatness init` in docs should be `great init`.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

noyez commented
# Let's check out great!
mba :: ~  » great status
🙀 It looks you haven't initialized yet! Use `greatness init` to initialize. P.S, we found this out by looking through some pretty great binoculars.
# Great! Gotta use the init command it suggests `greatness init`
mba :: ~  » greatness init 
zsh: command not found: greatness
# huh, it must mean `great init`
mba :: ~  » great init     
# Great! No errors
mba :: ~  » great status
🦔 Greatness directory: /Users/brad/.greatness
🦔 Greatness pulling  : /Users/brad/.greatness/pulled
🦔 Greatness state : /Users/brad/.greatness/greatness.yaml
🦔 Greatness git pack : /Users/brad/.greatness/packed/git
🦔 Greatness scripts  : /Users/brad/.greatness/scripts

🦔 No files added!
🦔 No external repositories installed!


Looking forward to checking this project out! Thank you for taking on such a cool project.

You know what? You are great! Thank you for submitting your first issue!

Oh, sorry! I'll get this fixed.