
A cli to manage basic flutter commands used in a flutter project

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

YO : Make flutter development easier

Usage: yo <COMMAND>

  init    Initialize yo
  config  Open config
  scan    Scan flutter project directory
  get     Get flutter dependecies
  build   Run build runner for flutter projects
  test    Run flutter tests
  clean   Clean flutter project
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


1. Download the binary

2. Add the binary to your path


Initialize a project

Run the following command at the root of your project.

yo init

Open the config file for editing

yo config

Check the config guide for more information.

Run the scan command to scan your flutter project

yo scan

This scans your flutter project directory to map out all possible packages. In a normal project this means that only a single package will exist. But if your package is a monorepo then a list is maintained. It is recommend to run this command once in a while to keep the mapping updated.

Get flutter dependencies flutter pub get

Get dependencies of all your packages.

yo get

You can also get the dependencies of a single package.

yo get <package_directory_name>

Here, package directory name is the name of the directory pubspec.yaml resides in.

Run your tests flutter test

Run the tests in all your packages.

yo test

Run the tests in a specific package.

yo test <package_directory_name>

Clean your flutter packages flutter clean

Clean all your packages.

yo clean

Clean a specific package.

yo clean <package_directory_name>

Run build_runner build to build

Use this command to run the build_runner.

yo build <package_directory_name>

Get help

You can see all the help info for yo's subcommands.

yo help