
Changes needed for "make demo" to finish.

bdgregg opened this issue · 1 comments

$(SED_DASH_I) 's/^nopassword.*/password\: $(shell cat secrets/live/DRUPAL_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) /g' islandora_workbench/islandora_workbench_demo_content/example_content.yml

In the line referenced there seem to be two issues to note:

  1. The example_content.yml file coming from has changed from instead of finding and replacing '^nopassword' to simply '^password'. This change happened recently.
  2. To properly execute the shell command in sed it seems that we need to enclose the $(shell ... _PASSWORD) in single quotes to allow the execution of pulling the DRUPAL_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD from the file. Otherwise the line to perform a docker run fails to execute due to an invalid password.

Our changes that made "make demo" work as expected:
$(SED_DASH_I) 's/^nopassword.*/password\: $(shell cat secrets/live/DRUPAL_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) /g' islandora_workbench/islandora_workbench_demo_content/example_content.yml
$(SED_DASH_I) 's/^password.*/password\: '$(shell cat secrets/live/DRUPAL_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD)' /g' islandora_workbench/islandora_workbench_demo_content/example_content.yml

Hope this helps.

Note that if secrets/live/DRUPAL_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD contains a slash, this will break the sed command. I also think that slash on the colon after RHS "password" may be spurious.