
Missing dependency: wget, git

MykalMachon opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Summary of issue

I'm setting up a test Islandora site for evaluation on a RHEL 8 virtual machine. I was following the install guide, had installed the listed required tools, and ran the installer. A few prompts in, I received an error: environment: line 115: wget: command not found. This implies that you need wget on your system to run the installer. wget is not in the listed requirements in the

Does it make sense to list wget as an additional dependency in the I know it's a pretty standard tool but it's not bundled with every distro by default (RHEL 8 does not include it, for example). edit: git is also like this, it is required by this script but not listed anywhere.

I am more than happy to make a PR as this is a really simple change was just hoping for some input from the maintainers before doing so ๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks for the report @MykalMachon! I just opened a PR to get these changes in.

Thank you @joecorall !

Sure thing. And pull requests are always welcome!