
Refused to Connect

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Hello all,

This seems to be a common issue and I've tried the fixes listed from previous posts, but I'm getting 'refused to connect' when trying to load the admin page.

I've updated the config.js file to include the module, its been installed (I think but new to this so can't be sure its installed - the files in the folders anyway), the whitelist IP has both the static IP of the MBP and the general WLAN IP range and still no joy.

What else is there to try?

Did you follow these instructions:

Whitelist the devices you want to access the mirror's settings from. If you want to whitelist all devices on your local network add:

ipWhitelist: [""", "::ffff:", "::1", 192.168.X.1/24 , ::ffff:192.168.X.1/24"],

Make sure you replace X with the correct number! you can find it by running ifconfig in your mirror.

Did you also whitelist the localhost?
Are you sure you are trying to access it via local network?
What (local) IP are you trying to access and what is the (local) IP on the machine you are using to access?
Can you paste here you ipWhitelist?
Can you send the error title, code, and description with as much detail as possible?

Hope we'll be able to find the problem,

Can you try to run npm run config:check at the MM folder? just to make sure...
To be honest, I don't currently run an updated version of MM myself and don't have much time for this project currently. First thing we need to find out if people currently run it successfully

If it can help, I changed the listening address in the config.json to be as below and now it works fine :

address: "",

So I am a big noob because I can't find where to edit the ipWhitelist.

is this a system file? is it in MMM-Admin-Interface? Could it be under MagicMirror? Or is it a configuration in the config.js file?
Thanks for the help.

Or is it a configuration in the config.js file?

sorry I found it, it's in the config file