
async FBXLoader

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It doesn't seem the async method for the FBXLoader has been added. I'm sure this is intentional since mutations must be synchronous, but in my traditional three.js projects I utilize the async method to ensure a model is loaded before adding it to a scene. I'm running into the same issue here while loading an FBX during my INITIALIZATION mutations. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I'll attempt creating an Action with a promise for now ;)

Well, I tried both the FBX and the GLTF Loaders with the same result. My next assumption is that it's not appropriate to call functions within mutations as they seem to be ignored.

Problem solved. I first had to place the .gltf model in a public directory and call it using process.env.BASE_URL. Then I placed the LOADER mutation first in the list of actions