
Cocoapod missing files?

tony-boxed opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to install via cocoapods but files seem to be missing. For instance, IterableConfig.h and .m, and many others.

Am I misunderstanding something?

Hi @tony-boxed, thanks for the report.
Please check the version of the Iterable SDK you're checking out. Is it the latest version?

Yes, the latest version.

How do I correctly import the library to be used? is it simply #import 'IterableAPI.h' ? When I do this, IterableConfig doesn't register.

Are you using Swift or Objective-C in your app? Do you have use_frameworks! in your Podfile?

Hi Tony! The cached version when I was installing was 4.7, and the latest PodSpec is 5.0.3. Try running this command

pod repo update

Then reinstalling, and maybe even explicitly setting 'IterableSDK', '~> 5.0.3'

@tony-boxed: Feel reach out to our support directly if you have any additional questions.