Could not find method assemblyInfoPatcher()
benceszikora opened this issue · 2 comments
benceszikora commented
I'm trying to build a very simple project with the sample build file provided.
Could not find method assemblyInfoPatcher() for arguments [build_6ayt6vpk7zunfhrs63upg3ynr$_run_closure2@59e2a4]
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.ullink.gradle:gradle-msbuild-plugin:2.1"
apply plugin:'msbuild'
msbuild {
// mandatory (one of those)
solutionFile = 'SampleProj.sln'
// MsBuild project name (/p:Project=...)
projectName =
// Verbosity (/v:detailed, by default uses gradle logging level)
verbosity = 'detailed'
// targets to execute (/t:Clean;Rebuild, no default)
targets = ['Clean', 'Rebuild']
// Below values can override settings from the project file
// overrides project OutputPath
destinationDir = 'build/msbuild/bin'
// overrides project IntermediaryOutputPath
intermediateDir = 'build/msbuild/obj'
// Generates XML documentation file (from javadoc through custom DocLet)
generateDoc = false
// Other msbuild options can be set:
// loggerAssembly, generateDoc, debugType, optimize, debugSymbols, configuration, platform, defineConstants ...
// you can also provide properties by name (/p:SomeProperty=Value)
parameters.SomeProperty = 'Value'
// Or, if you use built-in msbuild parameters that aren't directly available here,
// you can take advantage of the ExtensionAware interface
ext["flp1"] = "LogFile=" + file("${}.errors.log").path + ";ErrorsOnly;Verbosity=diag"
assemblyInfoPatcher {
// mandatory if you want to patch your AssemblyInfo.cs/fs
// TODO: not yet normalized, beware than .Net version must be X.Y.Z.B format, with Z/B optionals
version = project.version + '.0.0'
// defaults to above version, fewer restrictions on the format
fileVersion = version + '-Beta'
What could I be missing?
Thanks in advance!
gluck commented
cf the (newly-created) changelog, the assemblyInfoPatcher has been added in 2.9 plugin version, you must use that one instead of 2.1.
I'll update the README !
benceszikora commented