
Feature req: Select search engine on command line

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, excellent work! As a useful bonus, torrentflix circumvents my ISP's firewall (UK), so I use it for all my torrent searches, streaming or otherwise.

As the title says, I'd like an option to select the search site from the CLI. Perhaps like this:

-e, --engine [name] Site to use for searching. Use --list-engines for possible values.
--list-engines      List valid names for --engine 


$ torrentflix -s ebook -e kickass
$ torrentflix -s "movie title" -e tpb

(Hmm, if there were also a -n 1 to select the first match, torrentflix could be used entirely non-interactively)

Update: I'm now implementing this, but it would be nice if there were a way to go from tpb to The Pirate Bay.

any update on your implementation?

Fixed in 9fdb95a