
Web developers' assignement for accessibility unity course.

Primary LanguageHTML

Accessibility assigment

Alma mater: Accessibility Unity

Website link: https://iuliiaockhama.github.io/a11y-assignment/

TG contact link: @enemorrian

🐻 Implemented Accessibility Improvements:

  1. Semantic HTML Fixation: Introduced essential semantic tags such as <main>, <header>, and <footer>. Ensured proper heading hierarchy. Organized navigation links within lists for improved screen reader navigation.

  2. Skip-link Integration: Implemented a skip-link functionality facilitating quick navigation to the main content area.

  3. Breadcrumb Enhancement: Enclosed breadcrumbs within <ol> tags in accordance with W3C APG guidelines. Augmented with relevant ARIA attributes for enhanced accessibility.

  4. Form Accessibility Enhancements: Rectified issues in the product card form by incorporating <label> tags, for attributes, and aria-labelledby attribute for better form association.

  5. Modal Window Improvements: Addressed accessibility concerns in modal windows by including all requisite ARIA attributes and enhancing focus management. Augmented modal table content with additional ARIA attributes for improved screen reader comprehension. Introduced a close button for better user experience. (A little UX improvement ✨)

  6. Radio Group Optimization: Improved radio groups by adding aria-atomic and aria-live attributes to the group legend. Provided context to disabled radio buttons for clarity.

  7. Stepper Input Refinement: Rectified issues with stepper input by assigning accessible names to buttons and incorporating built-in validations for quantity input.

  8. Accordion Component Enhancement: Implemented ARIA attributes in the accordion component following W3C APG recommendations for enhanced accessibility.

  9. Footer Navigation Fixation: Reorganized footer navigation by enclosing links within lists and resolving accessibility issues within the form.

  10. Alt Attributes for Images: Added relevant alt attributes to images where necessary to provide alternative text for screen reader users; added additional texts, accessible only for screen readers, to icon-only buttons.

  11. Styles improvements: Improved focus styles for better visibility (removed outline: none for links and buttons).

🐶 Notes and Queries:

  1. The website underwent testing solely with VoiceOver on MacOS.
  2. Modal Window query: VoiceOver does not alert about the opening of the modal window. (Is this behavior expected?)

🐨 Good to be done:

  1. Color Contrast: Ensure that the color contrast between the text and its background meets the WCAG AA standard for better readability. (This issue was marked as critical in axe devtools and IBM Equal Access checker).
  2. Error Identification: Ensure that form validation errors are identified and described to the user in text. Probably, should add a descriptive error message to product form and email form in footer.
  3. Resize Text: Make sure the text on the website can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or functionality. (Fonts are not resizable in the current implementation).