

alr3x opened this issue · 1 comments

Всем привет! не генерирует html-файл с картой почему-то :( только json

[ * ] Harvesting information based on the next coordinates:
	[ * * ] Latitude:  51.51404
	[ * * ] Longitude: -0.15063
	[ * * ] Country:   United Kingdom
	[ * * ] City:	   London
	[ * * ] Town:	   

[ * ] Overall steps to be performed: 25 , with overall diameter 2400 meters

[ * ] Telegram client initialization...successfully
[ ! ] Configured timesleep 30s is too low to cover all points with configured speed 50 km/h
[ ! ] Adjusting sleep time to 43s according to calculated distances

[ * ] Start harvesting data:
	[ 1/25 ] Latitude 51.514, Longitude -0.1506
		[ > ] Harvesting data finished
		[ > ] Updating JSON file...successfully

duplicates #24