🛋 Chair calculator

This command line tool prints chair type statistics for the apartment and per room for the floor plan from the given file.

usage: app.py [-h] --file file_path

Prints the chair statistics of the floor plan.

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --file file_path  path to a file with the floor plan

The tool uses the Span fill algorithm to find the chairs that belong to each room.

Inputs and limitations

  • Floor plan without walls considered as one room
  • Room name labels should be in the (room name) format, where room name is an alphanumeric string, chairs are one of the WPSC characters, space is for floors, and walls are any other character
  • Each room label and every chair character should be one symbol away from any wall on the plan, otherwise the application will crash
  • Application crashes if there is any text other than a wall, a room label, or a chair character on the plan

Reusability and extensibility

The mask_room and print_mask functions can be reused to create an application that identifies the rooms for the workers carrying the chairs during the home furnishing process.

How to run for local development

  1. Make sure that you have python and poetry installed with asdf install
  2. Install project dependencies with make deps
  3. Run tests with make tests
  4. Run type checks with make typeckeck
  5. Run application with make run args="--file rooms.txt"

How to build for release

You can build the application for standalone execution with make binary. This will write the chari_calculator executable binary to the /dist directory.


Copyright © 2024 Ivan Rublev.

This project is licensed under the MIT license.