Generate horizontal pdf
kokunas opened this issue ยท 14 comments
I was wondering if it is possible to generate horizontal pdf's?
Thanks in advance
You have to define a custom LaTeX template and add it to the url in your link in order to modify the report. I highly recommend looking into all of the cool things that LaTeX can do as it's possible to add logos, move titles, add extra text and all sorts of things.
The template must be in your project directory under /bin/templates/landscapeTemplate.tex
Then you can add the following package and parameters to the LaTeX template:
For example:
%use square brackets as golang text templating delimiters
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\title{[[.Title]] [[if .VariableValues]] \ \large [[.VariableValues]] [[end]] [[if .Description]] \ \small [[.Description]] [[end]]}
[[range .Panels]][[if .IsSingleStat]]\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}
@herrkutt Thanks for the good answer!
The example that @herrkutt provided didn't work for me. It is missing a backward slash wherever there is supposed to be two. Probably Github that broke something.
%use square brackets as golang text templating delimiters
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\title{[[.Title]] [[if .VariableValues]] \\ \large [[.VariableValues]] [[end]] [[if .Description]] \\ \small [[.Description]] [[end]]}
[[range .Panels]][[if .IsSingleStat]]\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}
It seems the project does not support v4
version api to use the customed latex template?
The template feature should be independent of the api version; it should work.
Follow up
I saw the url used in thsi thread is v5
, but we are currently in v4
I am using the -templates
parameter and the script is like
--templates "templates/landscape.tex"
But the pdf generated is still the default one, I have copied and pasted the latex code enclosed in this thread. Did I miss something?
I found the -cmd_template
argumet, but no luck
./grafana-reporter -cmd_enable=1 -cmd_apiVersion v4 -cmd_dashboard your-dashboard-name -cmd_ts "from=now-7d&to=now" -cmd_template "templates/landscapeTemplate.tex" -cmd_o weekly_report.pdf
Solved by directly editing the source code texTemplate.go
. It seems the command line flag does not work?
I am using the -templates parameter and the script is like
--templates "templates/landscape.tex"
From the readme:
-templates string: Directory for custom TeX templates. (default "templates/")
You are incorrectly supplying a file, not a directory. If you have created a directory templates
relative to the location of the reporter binary and put your custom file landscape.tex
in there you do not need to also specify the --templates
command line argument, since you already used the default directory.
Hello, I have created a custom template and it works fine when I start grafana-reporter from command line:
/root/go/bin/./grafana-reporter &
However, I created a system service file in order to launch grafana reporter as a service which is using exactly the same command:
ExecStart=/root/go/bin/./grafana-reporter &
In that case, grafana reporter is started, but I get the following error:
Error reading template file: "open templates/logoTemplate.tex: no such file or directory"
What is the issue here ? When I start grafana-reporter from command line it finds the template but when started via systemctl as a service, it doesn't find it.....
You can use the param --templates $GOPATH/bin/templates/
to workaround
You have to define a custom LaTeX template and add it to the url in your link in order to modify the report. I highly recommend looking into all of the cool things that LaTeX can do as it's possible to add logos, move titles, add extra text and all sorts of things.
\end{landscape}The template must be in your project directory under /bin/templates/landscapeTemplate.tex Then you can add the following package and parameters to the LaTeX template: http://myserver_hostname:8686/api/v5/report/yDjwtFiiz?apitoken=abc123def456ghi789=?template=landscapeTemplate
For example:
%use square brackets as golang text templating delimiters
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\title{[[.Title]] [[if .VariableValues]] \ \large [[.VariableValues]] [[end]] [[if .Description]] \ \small [[.Description]] [[end]]}
[[range .Panels]][[if .IsSingleStat]]\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}
where i could find this setting. can you tell me please the location
I haven't seen this documented anywhere, but for custom templates that require conditionals based on panel type, the .Is()
function can be used with the corresponding Panel.Type integer.
0 - SingleStat
1 - Text
2 - Graph
3 - Table
For example, if you want to rotate a Table rather than the entire page. The width of the table image is set to \textheight
[[if .Is 3]]
Ideally, the user-friendly option would be to add IsText()
, IsGraph()
, and IsTable()
funcs to grafana/dashboard.go
func (p Panel) IsText() bool {
return p.Is(Text)
func (p Panel) IsGraph() bool {
return p.Is(Graph)
func (p Panel) IsTable() bool {
return p.Is(Table)
Hi, I already did all the steps and test, but it does not work here, someone can help me ? the pdf is not in landscap mode
%use square brackets as golang text templating delimiters
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\title{[[.Title]] [[if .VariableValues]] \ \large [[.VariableValues]] [[end]] [[if .Description]] \ \small [[.Description]] [[end]]}
[[range .Panels]][[if .IsSingleStat]]\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}