converting to typescript
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I'm really impressed by react-pixi library, and I'd love to port it to typescript for better usage.
What's your opinion for converting react-pixi to typescript?
ps: it won't affect the build except there'll be extra typescript-definition files (d.ts) for typescript users.
I was just looking to add some type checking with flow. Would typescript just involve adding a .ts
file? Is this generated or maintained? Could it be done by adding JSDOC style annotations in comments?
it would be somewhat more than changing file extensions (such as downloading type-definition files for pixi.js and reactjs), but it'll be more useful on the long run, especially with good IDE-level editors like VS code.
Also, you can just add a d.ts file for typescript (and keep the js file as-is).
Here's what I've been using for react-pixi: (this would be react-pixi.d.ts file)
declare module 'react-pixi' {
import {
} from 'react';
import * as React from 'react';
import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'pixi.js';
type StagePropsType = {
width: number, height: number,
style?: CSSProperties, backgroundColor?: number,
transparent?: boolean,
class Stage extends Component<StagePropsType, void> {}
type TilingSpritePropsType = {
image: string, width: number, height: number,
class TilingSprite extends Component<TilingSpritePropsType, void> {}
type TextPropsType = {
text: string,
x: number, y: number,
style: CSSProperties,
anchor: Point,
class Text extends Component<TextPropsType, void> {}
type DisplayObjectContainerPropsType = {
x: number, y: number,
const DisplayObjectContainer: SFC<DisplayObjectContainerPropsType>;
class CustomPixiComponentClass<CustomProps, PixiComponent>
extends React.Component<CustomProps, void> {
displayObject: PixiComponent;
interface CustomPixiComponentClassFactory<CustomProps, PixiComponent>
extends ComponentFactory<CustomProps, CustomPixiComponentClass<CustomProps, PixiComponent>> {
function CustomPIXIComponent<CustomProps, PixiComponent>(args: {
customDisplayObject(props: CustomProps): PixiComponent,
customDidAttach?(displayObject: PixiComponent): void,
customApplyProps(displayObject: PixiComponent, oldProps: CustomProps, newProps: CustomProps): void,
customWillDetach?(displayObject: PixiComponent): void,
}): CustomPixiComponentClassFactory<CustomProps, PixiComponent>
export = {
This isn't 100% correct (and may miss-out some features), but covers most use cases for me.
I'll send in a pull request soon
Yeah please send a pull request. Should this get bundled into the package put onto npmjs as well? Do I need to add something to package.json
to point to it?