Samurai Warriors: Chronicles - Import Issue

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When I try to import a save extracted from a cartridge of Samurai Warriors: Chronicles, I get this error message: "There was an error opening one of the files. 0x000000000xC8804470"

I saw another issue in which the problem was caused by a period in the game's title, I'm not sure if the problem in this case could be caused by a colon (the title of the game is SW: Chronicles)

I tested it with an old 3DS XL and a New 3DS XL, both with the latest firmware and the latest version of JKSM

J-D-K commented

It should filter out the :, so that shouldn't be a problem. I think it's having trouble creating the file to write to. I'll get back to you asap.

I have the exact same issue.