
NLG Evaluation Metrics

Primary LanguagePython


This repository provides a script for an integrated evaluation of Natural Language Generation (NLG) metrics.

It utilizes components of the CommonGen evaluation function, and you can modify the concept settings as needed.

0. Repository Structure

├── BARTScore  
├── BERTScore  
├── BLEU  
├── CiDEr  
├── METEOR  
├── ROUGE  
├── SPICE  
├── result  
├── test  
├── Dockerfile        # Docker execution file
├── install.sh        # Script to install required packages
├── similarity.py     # Integrated evaluation function
├── similarity.sh     # Script to execute integrated evaluation
└── requirements.txt  # List of required packages

1. Installation

To install the required packages, you can run the following commands:

conda create -n $YOUR_ENV$ python==3.8
conda activate $YOUR_ENV$
sh install.sh

You should also download the following file and move on your SPICE/lib folder


2. Usage

Please make sure to specify the paths and dataset file settings within the shell files before running the script.

To execute the integrated evaluation, run:

sh similarity.sh

3. Citation

author={Jaehyung Seo},
affiliation={Korea University, NLP & AI LAB},

4. Thanks

This script is based on CommonGen, BERTScore, BARTScore. We thank the authors for their academic contribution.