
Image table as good as tag table, using "alternatives" tag and CSV standard file

ppKrauss opened this issue · 2 comments

Tabular data have a lot of little problems, about "imperfect conversion" or "visual vs usable" decisions...

The main advantage of a XML-table (table-wrap with table tag) over image table (table-wrap with graphic tag), is that the first can be copy/pasted to a data sheet... So, the image is not a open data, the XML is open. In a scientific context, the advantage of open data is reproducibility...

Today there are standards for CSV, of OKFN and W3C...

The pair image+CSV (into a alternatives tag), the "image of table" file and the CSV file, have all advantages, so is as good as table tag.

When good table tag is not possible, this image+CSV can be a JATS4R recommendation.


<table-wrap id="pbio-0020328-t003" position="float">
 <label>Table 3</label>
   <title>Systematic Inactivation of SpoIIID-Activated Genes</title>
   <graphic xlink:href="pbio.0020328.t003.tif"/>
   <media mime-subtype="csv" mimetype="text" position="anchor" 

Hi @Melissa37, this old post was about an Open Science demand... It is perhaps out of context here (?), or the <table-wrap> of example is invalid (?)... Can you explain something about the "close issue"?

Hi @ppKrauss I am sorry about that, I was trying to clean up the Github issues area as there has been a move away from GitHub for the group. I have re-opened it and added to a googledoc the team are using!
I hope you saw the recent issue I opened aimed at people like you who are watching this repo. I don't want for us to lose your valuable input.
