VLSI Enthusiast | Student at SIST | Ex-Executive @Robotics-Club-SIST | Trainee at MAVEN SILICON
Sathybama Institute of Science and Technologychennai
Pinned Repositories
This Repo contains Codes of RTLs for implementation of various circuit designs using Verilog in Xilinx ISE 14.7 and sometimes Modelsim tools
The AHB to APB Bridge is an AHB slave, providing an interface between the high-speed AHB and the low-power APB. Read and Write transfers on the AHB are converted into equivalent Transfers on the APB
This repository contains the files related to Implementations of various Digital circuits on the NEXYS A7 FPGA Board
This Repo contains Source Codes of FSM-BASED implementation of various circuit designs using Verilog in Xilinx ISE 14.7 and sometimes Modelsim tools
This Repo consists codes for some the problem statements from the HDL BITS website and can help you in your journey to learn Verilog from the scratch
CMOS inverter schematic and layout design and analysis utilizing the skywater 130 nm pdk and numerous open source tools such as Xschem, NGSPICE, MAGIC, Netgen, and so on.
riscv-myth-workshop-sep23-JAYRAM711 created by GitHub Classroom
JAYRAM711's Repositories
This Repo contains Codes of RTLs for implementation of various circuit designs using Verilog in Xilinx ISE 14.7 and sometimes Modelsim tools
This Repo contains Source Codes of FSM-BASED implementation of various circuit designs using Verilog in Xilinx ISE 14.7 and sometimes Modelsim tools
CMOS inverter schematic and layout design and analysis utilizing the skywater 130 nm pdk and numerous open source tools such as Xschem, NGSPICE, MAGIC, Netgen, and so on.
The AHB to APB Bridge is an AHB slave, providing an interface between the high-speed AHB and the low-power APB. Read and Write transfers on the AHB are converted into equivalent Transfers on the APB
This repository contains the files related to Implementations of various Digital circuits on the NEXYS A7 FPGA Board
This Repo consists codes for some the problem statements from the HDL BITS website and can help you in your journey to learn Verilog from the scratch