Built with REACT. A small business landing page. Focused on responsive design, STATE management
I wanted to build a landing page that would test my React skills
Here is a list of some of the technologies employed:
- React: The code is written using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- useState Hook: The useState hook is used for managing state within a React component.
- JavaScript: The primary programming language used in the code.
- JSX: JSX is used for rendering elements and components in React.
- React Components: Multiple custom React components are used, including Nav, Header, Services, LinkedInPricing, WebPricing, Why, Next, Newsletter, Footer, ServiceHead, PackageHead, NextHead, and OrderBtn.
- Component Props: Props are used to pass data from parent components to child components.
- Mapping Arrays: The map function is used to iterate through arrays and create lists of components.
- React Strict Mode: is used to highlight potential problems in my application during development.
- CSS Classes: CSS classes are used for styling, as seen in class names like "package-grid" and "pricing-grid".
- State Management: The isActive state variable is managed using the useState hook.
- Export/Import: The export and import statements are used to organise and reuse code across different files.