
How to make it look like the screenshot

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've just installed yavide and it looks like this:
How can I fix the errors and make it look like the screenshot?

And is there any way to use terminal vim instead of gvim?

Thanks and keep it up!

From the screenshot it seems like Python watchdog module is not properly installed. Can you try installing it manually for the distribution you're running and try running yavide once more?

Speaking of vim vs. gvim, I think it's not impossible but it is also not straightforward. One example is support for clientserver which by default, at least on F24, is not compiled into vim and that is amongst most important things that most other features rely upon. Of course you can give it a try and compile your own version of vim to include support for clientserver but I am not sure if that is the only thing which needs to be tweaked.

@JBakamovic thanks for your quick answer. I've just tried installing python watchdog (from arch official repositories and from pip) and even after rebooting, I'm still getting the same error. Just in case, this is my vim --version https://gist.github.com/ckubrak/4f868c26deb76679f0902a56864c468c

When I try running vim I get this waring:

Error detected while processing /home/cristian/.vimrc:
line 191:
E484: Can't open file /home/cristian/core/.core.vimrc

Line 191 is:

execute('source ' . g:YAVIDE_ROOT_DIRECTORY . '/' . file)

Can you please try running import watchdog or from watchdog.observers import Observer from interactive Python interpreter? I.e. run python from your console

Do you get errors there?

@JBakamovic I don't get any error when I run it with python 3.5 but I do get

ImportError: No module named watchdog.observers

when I run python 2.7

Edit: I used pip2.7 to install watchdog and now is running fine