
Getting started documentation required

sreenathr-invenco opened this issue · 2 comments

Please write a small note in the documentation on -

  1. How to associate Yavide with a folder of existing source code?
  2. How to make source code navigation working with the folder mentioned above?

Say, for instance, I have cloned Linux kernel source code and I want to start making changes to the source using Yavide.

Thanks & regards,

You're probably right that some kind of TL;DR is missing. Usage mentions it but rather in a crude form.

To start using Yavide immediately on existing project, you just have to import it by running <Ctrl-s>n. You will have to provide an arbitrary name of your project and the directory where project resides (directory auto-completion is available so you don't have to manually type the whole path in). Just follow the instructions once you run this command.

Something is still missing. Following the above instructions, where 'arbitrary name' is 'xyz' and project resides in '/home/xxxx/projects/efence', leads to:

Error detected while processing function Y_Project_New[5]..<SNR>5_Y_Project_Create:
line   48:
E344: Can't find directory "/home/xxxx/projects/efence//xyz" in cdpath
E472: Command failed
Error detected while processing function Y_Project_New[5]..<SNR>5_Y_Project_Create[69]..<SNR>5_Y_Project_AutoDetectProgLanguages:
line   17:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 9, in <module>
NameError: name 'YavideUtils' is not defined

Generally, there needs to be some more information on how this thing works, including details about those .user_settings.vimrc (are there more?).