
support query validation

meodemsao opened this issue · 5 comments

i try use this lib with validate query argument but seem not work

Hey @meodemsao, I will need more details/sample code to understand the issue

everything run but not return input is invalid, i using many lib but still can't valid input
maybe be cause i use with sequelize graphql

i using with apollo 2.x

const middleware = [yupMiddleware()]

// schema
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  schemaDirective: {

const schemaWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(schema, ...middleware)
import { resolver, createConnectionResolver } from 'graphql-sequelize'
import { validator, validate } from 'graphql-validation'
import * as yup from 'yup'

export default {
  category: resolver((parent, args, context, info) => context.models.Category),

  categories: {
    validationSchema: yup.object().shape({
      limit: yup.number().required().min(1).max(10)
    resolve: resolver((parent, args, context, info) => context.models.Category)

  categoriesConnection: createConnectionResolver({
    target: (parent, args, context, info) => context.models.Category,
    where: (findOptions, args) => args


type FieldValidationError {
  field: String!
  errors: [String!]!

type MutationValidationError {
  message: String!
  details: [FieldValidationError!]!
# Write your query or mutation here
 	categories(limit: 40){

but don't return error

Hi @meodemsao, I'm not having time to look into that, however if you are able to share a full sample code, runnable, I may be able to run it locally and see If I can find what is wrong.

@JCMais thank, i using graphql-shield for my project